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9/18/24 Barton Executive Board Serves Oliver Park GID with Extensive Request for Records

This relatively small GID with a very limited budget is located in the area where Barton wants to build their new hospital. 

The Request for Records (see below) by the Barton Executive Board is a strategic move by Barton, potentially to apply pressure or retaliate against the GID/homeowners in the area for raising concerns about their hospital development plan. And it seems it’s being used as a form of harassment or as a tactic to exhaust GID resources, particularly because it will lead to significant attorney fees.

Many corporations or large entities use legal tools to overwhelm smaller groups with limited resources.


Here is another example of an action taken by Barton Health showing they are not the community partner they tell us they are!

Barton refuses to meet with Oliver Park GID- for additional info see section below titled 8/20/24 Barton Staff Show Up To Oliver Park GID Meeting

Barton Information Request Pg 1 of 2.png
Barton Information Request Pg 2 of 2.png

9/10/24  Barton's First Invite and Meeting For Oliver Park Residents

















8/20/24 Barton Staff Show Up To Oliver Park GID Meeting

Chris Proctor and Barton staff were at the monthly Oliver Park Improvement District Meeting on 8/20/24.  Chris Proctor spoke during initial public comment for a few seconds and said Barton would now be willing to meet with the GID and that was it. No other comment than those few words.  The three left immediately after the meeting and made no attempt to engage with the GID Board about such a meeting.  This is kind of odd because he could have easily picked up the phone or sent an email to schedule a meeting.  Barton made a choice to attend the meeting and make their meeting invite part of the public record. From the beginning, OPGID and the homeowners in the area have been asking for a meeting with Barton.  Douglas County and Barton have been working on this secret hospital development plan for 2 years and now... it would seem Barton is finally ready to discuss things with the GID and homeowners in the area. 


Keep in mind this whole plan was greased for approvals by Douglas County and TRPA to take place at the beginning of August 2024.  Local homeowners and concerned citizens got together and started pushing back on this secret plan.


8/19/24 Zoning Text Amendment Delayed

Zoning Text Amendment Application DP24-0162, amending Chapter 20.703 of the Douglas County Code relative to the Tahoe Area Plan Regulations and Zoning Map Amendment Application DP24-0180, changing the zoning for certain properties within the South Shore Area Plan (SSAP) scheduled for a Special Planning Commission meeting on August 28, 2024 at 1:00pm has been cancelled.


These items will be heard during the Planning Commission meeting on October 8th at 1:00 PM

Barton Aspen Grove Apartment Special Meeting Invite 9.10.24.jpg
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