Mountain News Three Page Investigative Story About Barton's plans
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​There is very limited coverage about the project TRPA, Douglas County, Barton and Purvance have been working on for months and maybe years
8/28/24 Record Courier Article- nothing mentioned about any impact on anything
8/17/24 Record Courier Article- no mention of impact on neighbors
7/18/24 Tahoe Daily Tribune- no mention of impact on neighbors
Barton & Purvance choosing to sink money into purchasing and managing parcels in Stateline, NV instead of applying this money to update/remodel existing CA buildings
5/2021 Barton Buys Lakeside Inn & Casino in Stateline, NV for $13.3 Million
5/2022- Barton Buys Another Building in Stateline, NV for $4.7 Million
10/2022 Barton Health Pays to Demo Lakeside Inn and Secure Site​