Barton/TRPA/Douglas County Lack of Communication and Opportunity for Public Input
This page is dedicated to outlining the communication from Barton/TRPA and Douglas County regarding this project.
As you look over the very limited information being provided (below).....keep in mind the whole time Barton/Purvance/TRPA & Douglas County have all been working on this detailed project plan.
Bottom line there has been a ton going on with Barton/Purvance, Douglas County and TRPA to rewrite the zoning for this property and then create formal requests for special approvals BUT they have all chosen to share nothing with the neighbors who will be most impacted by their plan.
Barton and Purvance talk and provide many examples about the importance of working together (see examples below) with the community and being a proud partner with the community, but the only people they are working with (behind the scenes) is the TRPA and Douglas County
Barton Two Letters
These two letters were delivered/dropped/placed with properties in the area. Apparently posted/dropped on only the 1st two streets near the site and not the whole neighborhood. Barton said they personally delivered/dropped these two letters because they were not able to figure out how to pull the homeowner mailing addresses on record and send them via USPS. And no reason was given for choosing not to notice the entire neighborhood and/or the Oliver Park GID. Zero information in the two letters about what they were actually working on the whole time.
7/23/24 In phone conversations with the League to Save Lake Tahoe and TRPA we were told Barton has been telling these groups they are actively communicating their plans with the neighbors. We told the League and TRPA this is clearly not the case. Both reps from the League and TRPA said they will contact Barton to encourage Barton to reach out to the neighbors.
Douglas County, TRPA and Barton Original Plan to Push This Project Through With Little Opportunity for Public Input
8-13-2024 Douglas County Planning Commission Hearing
8-14-2024 TRPA Advisory Planning Commission Hearing
8-15-2024 Douglas County Board of County Commissioners 1st reading
9-5-2024 Douglas County Staff states 2nd reading may occur this date.
From the Barton Website...
With essentially a blank slate at the former Lakeside Inn property, Barton has launched a community survey to gather perceptions of current healthcare services and future needs. Community perception, in addition to other variables, will drive the upcoming planning phase.
Survey participants will be randomly selected to receive a phone call asking a series of questions. All survey responses will be confidential.
Nobody in the Oliver Park GID the neighborhood most impacted by this proposed development reports getting this phone call survey.
Chris Proctor and Barton staff were at the monthly Oliver Park Improvement District Meeting (8/21/24). During the Public Comment section of the meeting Chris stood up and said Barton is now ready to meet with the Oliver Park GID. Kind of odd because he could have easily picked up the phone or sent an email to schedule a meeting. From the beginning, OPGID and the homeowners in the area have been asking for a meeting with Barton.
9/10/24 Barton's First Invite and Meeting For Oliver Park Residents
9.18.24 Barton Executive Board Serves Oliver Park GID with Extensive Request for Records Click Here for More Info