Nevada Department of Health and Human Services
​Hours: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m., Monday - Friday
1000 North Division Street
Carson City, Nevada 89703
Phone: (775) 684-4000
Certificate of Need is a process whereby certain proposed new construction projects must submit an application to document the needs for the project according to criteria specified in state CON law and regulations, NRS 439A.100 and NAC 439A.010 through NAC 439A.675. New construction is defined as a new health facility or construction which increases the square footage in an existing facility or the redesign or renovation of an existing building which is not currently being used as a health facility. Staff in the Health Planning and Primary Care Office conduct the CON review process and make a recommendation to the Director of the Department of Health and Human Services. The Director has the responsibility for granting or denying a Letter of Approval for each proposed project requiring CON review.
Meeting Minutes has Barton CON support letters/emails/comments from:
Senator Titus
Assemblyman Gray
Douglas County Commissioner & TRPA Governing Board Member Wes Rice
DHHS Notice of Hearing for CON
Did You Not Hear About the Hearing- Maybe it is because they don't post in easy to find locations
The Notice of Public Hearing (attached) is also on our website here: It was also posted online at and announced on the PCO listserv. Our PCO follows the NAC for Public Notice and Public Hearings:
NAC 439A.389 Public notice. (NRS 439A.081) For each application for approval which is received before the deadline for submission and which is not denied for insufficiency pursuant to NAC 439A.379, the Department will, within 15 days after the application is submitted, give public notice of:
1. The identity of the applicant;
2. The nature of the proposed project;
3. The batch, if any, in which the application is placed;
4. The date of commencement of the period of review;
5. The date, time and place of the public hearing to be held during the course of the review; and
6. The date by which written information must be submitted pursuant to NAC 439A.395.
(Added to NAC by Dep’t of Human Resources, eff. 3-6-86; A 11-10-87; 10-14-97)
NAC 439A.415 Public hearings. (NRS 439A.081)
1. The Department will provide a public hearing for each application for a letter of approval.
2. A single public hearing will be held for all applications within a single batch.
3. The Department will keep a taped record of the public hearing, together with all exhibits introduced.
4. The purposes of the public hearing are:
(a) To provide for public comment on the application; and
(b) To receive evidence from the applicant and those persons who have submitted written information pursuant to NAC 439A.395 regarding material issues and to consider questions from the Department.
5. The Department will, at least 5 days before the date of the hearing, notify the applicant and those persons who have submitted written information of the procedures to be followed at the public hearing.
6. The amount of time allocated to each applicant or person for presenting evidence may be limited if that limitation is equally applied to all applicants or persons.
7. Any person at the public hearing is entitled to be represented by counsel.
(Added to NAC by Dep’t of Human Resources, eff. 9-4-84; A 3-6-86; 11-10-87; 1-2-90)