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Other Options for Barton

1. Barton could have already retrofitted its one noncompliant building in CA, for far less than they've already spent on NV real estate...let alone the new proposed construction

2. Barton could swap land with the county, and build at the long-abandoned middle school campus across the highway. It's 20+ acres, and wouldn't require them to build an expensive underground parking garage in a swamp, plus an expensive skywalk above the highway.

3. Barton could locate all their emergency services, and raise their height limits, on their existing property on the far side of 50 -- where the urgent care already is. It's next to a parking garage and a gas station, instead of homes; its entrance is already on the highway, instead of in a neighborhood; it's at the bottom of a steep hill, so raising height limits wouldn't block anyone's views or literally overshadow their homes.

The county permanently loses all tax revenue from the entire district since it's "nonprofit". This is an explicit goal of the Area Plan. See South Shore Policy 8.3, p.87.

Barton has rejected all these, despite being cheaper and better for them, as well as the county and the neighborhood. THAT is why we're fighting this terrible "Area Plan".  

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